MGC Racing and Road
It does go round corners
Here's what we've been working on. The Porsche has had gearbox rebuild and a few little oil leaks done, new full MSA fire extinguisher system fitted . As per regs .

MGC suspension parts being cleaned painted in POr15 and made ready for rebuild kits . I would hope to offer UK cars a drive in drive out service. When I get space available in workshop

Filler necks back in stock £67 - anodised with gasket Stainless cap, gasket and bolts ,ready to fit.
New Oil 13 row Oil cooler posts These are parallel not tapered to save on machine time costs . £6 each + pp

Rebuilt MGC Cylinder head , SS valves , HD springs £1100

Water Pumps genuine MGC rebuilt with new bearings and seals £62 + pp exchange . Also coming upgraded bearing type with life time (car ownership) guarantee £110 + pp exchange.
MGC USA dash with padding removed and being loomed up to put into the Huffacker car.

MGC 55
Another great midweek break with the C's this time at Duxford IWM for a different day looking at fine aircraft both in the static halls and flying.
Well not much has happened since the end of the race season, we changed the gearbox for the last race but appears to be around the clutch area that our issues are appearing. We have a new T5 dog box to go on and a TTV clutch which requires some setting up as the bearing is no longer a carbon faced one but raised face roller bearing.
We have a new stock of Alloy back plates and radiators , we continue to sell the with Stephen Curtis a number of parts and pressings like the cowl and engine restraints .
All the torsion bars have suddenly gone but with the price of stock gone through the roof I will have to think if enough sales can be generated . This is my hobby and not a business so as I'm retired I have to think carefully about spending money which will take years to get back.
The Alloy heads continue but are very slow coming out of the machine shop , all auto shops seem to be so stoked out slipping in few heads hear and there is not easy . So please the heads will come up as I can get them done.
I have also taken possession of my life dream a Porsche 911ST , maybe a bit more on that later.
Yellow Race C
Click on photo to hear her start.
Getting on with the engine and wiring. Clutch has been set , some head scratching to get the right movement required .

C tinkering.
Fitted some trumpets to madame car , no real benefit on the road/standard car, just fancied putting them on. In theory the torque should be better but its a minuscule amount and not really felt.
Had a good last couple of months with the C out and about , still no top for her , we did want to goto Holland for the MGC meeting but that was cancelled hope 2022 can be a easy year for travels.
Photo has link to engine
Spares Update
1 sets of Torsion bars in stock £650
0 new alloy back plates in stock. £325
0 set of alloy hubs left in stock. £480
0 alloy head is available , more castings in the new year. £4xxx
10 Alloy radiators available £205
Filler necks £67 inc Cap ,gasket and bolts. Sorry no race type left Colne Classics have in stock
The Red C another saga

This car had a second hand rebuilt engine although running fine it has a very slight little end knock so we have had a short block done and we are just about putting all the spare bits I have on it to make it ready for the a swap and summer of more confident motoring.
Will have some upgrades like a ported head, fast road cam, lightened FW probably a maniflow exhasut. takeing this car from a bog standard to something a little more sporting.
The engine was not running smoothly for a C , so checks revealed high temperatures on 3 and 6 , running very lean. Compression and leak down checks done all ok, head changed just incase it had cracks common nowadays no change.
During the build I had changed the manifold , one thing I had not checked was the fuel drain ports on the manifold , I had plugged them on the old manifold but had not done on this new one ,an oversight!! . These holes normally they have a very small capillary tube from them and they are on inlet to 3 and 6.
Plugged, the engine is running well , a colour tune was used to get a carb setup.

Huffacker tribute car in the booth .

Well days are continuing to be long at home , trust you are all well.

Some nice chrome work and rebuilt windows for UBL. Can't wait to get them fitted.
More Suspension parts cleaned and painted including a pair of hubs (by Steve Curtis) all ready for another project.

We changed the tired rear springs on the yellow C with new GT lowered springs keeping the Alloy bushes.
Also have replace the rear brake lines and refurbished the antitramp bars and replace the newly painted panard rod. Reinforced the top mounting of the plate used for the rod.

Uprated Clutches for the C
As the AP HD clutches are hard to find we have managed to get HELIX to produce a HD clutch which is going only race car to replace the worn AP unit. It has a organic friction late which can be used for the road with no issues . Also available is a 6 paddle unit again can be used on the road in limited runs.

Yet another day of self Isolation.
Spent the last couple f days snagging the red C . Took her out for a run and the diff has a slight whine not bad but enough for me to hear it.
The rear right brake had a squeal , stripped it down noise now gone, the brake light switch has failed so new BSP thread ordered never seen this thread on a C before normally 1/8NPT. The speedo is not correct need a 1120 instead of a 1020 .
The Temperature is a bit all over the place I may just check the stat or even remove it , the big electric fan and Davis Craig controller work fine.

Another day in the store.

New exhaust fitted just one band to make , NOS so as engine is standard it should sound nice. Also bolted down the passenger seat with these seats they take some fiddling as they sit a bit higher should be good for madame. The engine is running well now still a slight miss somewhere set up the fuel pressure to 4 psi as I run a red top pump.
Changed the old paper oil filter out as it had collapsed for some reason, the oil pressure had dropped , I think the 20/50 plus the engine build glue combined to be a bit much for the filter.

Connor got one of the original SU's which had been replaced due to sticking, working so I reset jet and wound in the jet to 1.74mm which seems to be a good starting point. (Used a vernier to measure depth) . Engine started and mixture checked using a colourtune very little change needed from the 1.74mm depth I had set, reset air flow to match each other on the SU's using a flowmeter, then reset clamps to get both carbs opening the same time.
Thanks Steve

The next six castings are now at the machine shop with three heads spoken for already.

Repairs are now completed and YPE now back in store Serviced and put to bed.

New filter bolts, these allow you hand tighten them with a spanner which nearly always scratches the paint. £24 a pair only 9 pairs available. Now 10% off, use the submission form or contact Shaun 07515368936 or email info@holmesracing.co

Good to report the car ran well and the new rear disc brakes made life less frustrating at the end of Corumn. A little bit of setting up of the new rear suspension set up , (had no damper input )

Nice new 3J plate diff fitted to 3.3 axle.

Axle started to be built up with new AP disc brakes, hopefully this will stop the front from snatching. Alloy diff cover has been added to help heat transfer.
ew brake lines run to bias and brake lock inside the car.
AP brake discs and two pot callipers, expensive addition.
Photo Below has link to Youtube of engine.

The First production Alloy head off to Hawaii/California. This one is going on a race C for vintage racing.
6 new castings due in November for Brian and Darren to machine and hand finish.
Darren has a head guy starting in April who will only do porting and flow testing so hopefully this will give a near production line on heads of various types coming out quickly.
New batch of three sets of Alloy hubs , serious weight reduction for race or road.
£480 per pair +pp 0 sets left as of 2023 Jan SORRY

New Swan Neck filler, plenty left !60 + pp ,

Uprated torsion bars these are parallel so the max you can get in an MGC , fully heat treated and manufactured by one of the best in the country for spline work. £405 per pair. 6 sets left as of 2022. New stock arrives 20th Aug 2022 NEW STOCK AVAILABLE
MGC RACE update on engine, run in and Dyno tested with good torque figures through a wide range, very probably the most expensive C engine in existence . Going to change out the exhaust headers to get a little bit more . The Yellow MGC still has to have engine bay sprayed for this engine to be fitted , gearbox all done and new J3 LSD waiting to installed in new axle.

SOLD Will be bringing a GT shell home in early January if anyone is interested requires usual items like sills etc. This shell is being rebuilt by two gentlemen in there spare time, I'm impressed with there enthusiasm and the work that they have infront of them.

Picture of Steve Curtis having a cuppa after helping strip the shell.

A few left , I will not be bringing many more in as customs now require 60% anti dumping tax .
Has been in the paint shop for some paint blemishes to be removed and now the paint is perfect . As before we will now put the car on the market, without the Alloy head.

Sorry cannot rotate pic in the site. The
18hp Difference for the head
As the XLB had a standard head, carbs and a tubular manifold and CBJ (alloy head) had a standard cast iron manifold I would say the head alone is worth 20hp.

MGC 50 at the Chateaux.

Both cars ready for the drive to MGC 50.
Vernier Cam gearfor the C a must for getting cam timing correct. New small batch has arrived in stock.

Steve Curtis has rebuilt the king pin/stub axle for me and next stop is replace the torsion bar bushes.

Included is throttle arm and BSPP vac hose adaptor.
This set we just supplied complete with carbs jetted to suit base set up for a C for a hill climb car.
Alloy Hubs
The hubs are made mainly for racing guys with the weight saving on the front suspension but as the original hubs are becoming harder to find in good condition this gives an alternative to replacing those wires with Minilites (less maintenance). Weight is 1.296kg compared with 3kg .
Snetterton Weekend Racing in the Rain.

Connor's second ever race outing once again in the wet, in a strange car to him. he has changed from a FIA B to the MGC. With car not really set up for wet and some dodgy Steering geometry (went round right handers ok , not left ones)

MGC 50th Anniversary 2017 and MGC 55
The Event has been organised by Barrie & Ginny Cartmell and will give all MG C members a fantastic four days of activities.

At present no spare cast iron heads available.

Steve Platers MGC is now in the shop.
Mallory Race Meeting
Great cct if a bit short for a C, several crashes made it a expensive weekend thankfully all drivers were ok , Paul Eales was taken to hospital for concussion but later released and excused work for a while.
Not a good meeting car wise lost all oil pressure in race one so a premature end to the weekend. Car is now ready for a engine rebuild and some touchups to the engine bay. not clean enough now.
Donnington Race Meeting . 4th April.
Some links to footage from different cars. Click on picture . Pictures by PETER FRENCH great Trackside photographer please support his work on Facebook.

This engine has been stripped cleaned and is now ready to be fitted to a restoration project. New engine in new car.
The Alloy Heads being machined.

Some of the parts we have made so far, Steve Curtis has these in stock.

Peter Best Challenge Snetterton Oct 4-5th.