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Retire She said !!

Well after 43 years working in the oil industry , the last job we wound up a complete oil field and handed it back to a bunch of tea leafs in government.  

   Time to have to myself and wind down the stress level, boy they like to kid you. let me say I hate gardening , painting, long walks and manage to avoid overdoing the grandad bit that said the eldest grand children are now interested in cars if the take after their father lord help them or it will be "Grandad " youngest still tug on mothers skirt for now , however younger Grandson has been to a few car shows with me. 

So what am I doing - its total chaos after a regimented life at work with most daily tasks organised days, weeks in advance I find that I am wandering from one job to another at home and in the garage. The weeds or grass, you take your pick of what that green stuff is meant to be , block a clean path to the garage metaphorically speaking.

    I have the black C on the ramp, a CGT in the store awaiting to be attacked on the port side to remove paint and underseal, Madame's C requires a new engine fitting , that sits on the garage floor ready to go in. My race C is awaiting its engine and we are two races in already and likely only to get it back May end which gives me 7 days to fit and test before Silverstone in June. Connors race C sits waiting on an exhaust. There are 3 other MG's awaiting . 

So you may say my time is well taken yes it would but I fail to see how retired people get to do what they want, Wife ---- were going to Nigeria this year after we come back from the states thats 4 months gone , most of you know my wife is Nigerian and god has blessed me with a good one she has no interest in my cars apart from her Church bus (Range Rover) her MGC and the kings ransom invested in the Porsche . Small story - I sent my wife and her sister upto my store to retrieve a part, easy you say I got a whats app saying we cannot get in the key does not work - send me a photo  - wrong unit pretty dodgy two black girls trying to break into someone else's unit - to cap once in the comment came out are all these yours !! Moral don't ask wife to do things around your stash .

Something else to bring the stress levels up is the inability to buy what you want when you want , yes money worries set in. I find myself walking into town rather than goto a £4/hr carpark and the cost of a Cadbury Fruit and nut bar has gone from £1.35 to £2.00 outrageous. I'm sure most of the C owners can sympathise we are old. 

As you can see old brains make you wander from subject to subject much is my life now and a warning to all focus is nigh impossible. If I did a daily diary it would be shocking wasted hours fixing son's T4 rot box and sister in laws free (Thanks Steve C) ford fiesta that has been pulled through Arthurs hedge and home to a now evicted family of Squirrels that required more salvage parts than available, still it was free and Abby is a grateful carer of us old folk.

22nd of April -

Take blood pressure - take BP tablets , begin to worry about tomorrows race medical.

Take T4 to welder

Adjust  broken lights on Fiesta - fail more salvage parts 

Sit and watch Sister cook food with Norwich's entire supply of hot chilli  -(going to hurt)

Play very loud African music while doing wine . 

Eat and wait for tomorrow's tsunami in the toilet. 

So you see thats day one and I have no intention of trying to remember what I will do tomorrow so I will not turn this into an Anne Franks diary. I have not spell check or seen if this makes any sense either.


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